Monday, June 2, 2008

Scooter-man to star in Movie with Great White Shark!!! JAWWS 17 !!!


Filming has yet to begin but the cast is ready! Jawws 17 is coming to a theatre near you, Summer of 2010.

"Most of the actors from the last film won't be returning to the set of this one...if you know what I mean." Director Gene Kennedy said in a statement from his Malibu Colony mansion near Hollywood in L.A.

So far the Jawws movies have grossed over 102 billion dollars worldwide.

"Alot of people keep coming back to see the Jawws films because they have no idea what really happened in the first ones. The plot is difficult for most people to figure out,sort of like the Rambo movies,therefore, they feel the need to see it again" a source close to the Producers,Wifes,Cousins Uncle said.

Scooter-man who stars in the new film is pictured above getting acquainted with his co-star at Orlando's See-World.

"The studio did a great job on his veneers"he said.